In this page, we have the honor to introduce the case
based on an individual interview with the user.
Introducing the cases of the NeuG7 users.
Sugiura YoGyo President
Mr. Yoshinori Sugiura
Eel Farm
Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Improve water cluster for eel farming. Quality of the environment improve eels’ survival rate. Clean away odors led well-regarded.
▼As for the amazing effects at Sugiura Yogyo, please check in the video▼
Keep eels healthy!!
When a farm makes livable, no stress and delicious cultivation environment for eels, the owner hit serious problem which call “eel’s health maintenance.” Yet, it is expensive to purchase young eels; eel’s survival rate directly affects farm’s profit. President Sugiura focused on water for eels livable and non-stress environment. Grate amount of groundwater through NeuG7 is used in the farm. There is no disease out breaks, and no smell delicious eels are grown in Sugiura Farm.
Increasing eels survival rate and good reputation!!!
When a farm makes livable, no stress and delicious cultivation environment for eels, the owner hit serious problem which call “eel’s health maintenance.” Yet, it is expensive to purchase young eels; eel’s survival rate directly affects farm’s profit. President Sugiura focused on water for eels livable and non-stress environment. Grate amount of groundwater through NeuG7 is used in the farm. There is no disease out breaks, and no smell delicious eels are grown in Sugiura Farm.
Huge NeuG7 products
When we visited the farm for interview, we had a chance to see the regular maintenance. They use 61, 125A・171core, pump up 300m3 groundwater per day. Even they use that amount of water, the regular cleaning takes place once in six months. It took just 30 minutes, open the middle and take out the trash, those were easy operations.
They had a hard time in flood disaster in 2015.
We hope they continuously disseminate eel culture from Shizuoka to the world.
2015 Copyrights C Wellness co,.ltd.